We are all in this together

We know that we are passing through a very difficult world situation, that’s why we want to help you! That is why we have created a promotion for those who for different circumstances continue in Australia. We are sure that this will end and we will move forward, together!

    See privacy policy

    conditions apply

    • Promotions applicable for specific schools and courses
    • The visa fee will be reduced to half of the regular price (628.19 AUD) but not the second renewal fee (709.14 AUD) for those who are renewing the visa for the second time within Australia
    • VET courses – minimum 1 year (14 months visa)
      1000 AUD per term. Payments in advance for the 4 terms + enrolment + material
    • English courses – minimum 24 weeks (8 months and a half visa)
      150 AUD per week. Payments in advance for the 24 weeks + enrolment + material
    • 6 months health insurance included